In every good recipe, each ingredient should be worth its weight. With these prawns and bok choy you have a dish bursting with flavour. This dish will make you look like a 5 star Chinese chef. Choose large king or tiger prawns, peeled and deveined, stir fry until just cooked and coat with this popping chilli sauce, the prawns will burst in your mouth accompanied by the juicy, fresh, greens you have a dish to impress.


Sautéed prawn with chill sauce


150g      Prawn

150g      Bok choy

50g       Crab Roe

10g       Sichuan Chill Sauce

50g       Stock


Blanch the bok choy in boiling water. Blanch the crab roe;

Blanch prawns, drain and then put it into hot oil for a 10 seconds then remove;

Add the stock to a frypan and stir-fry with the prawns and Sichuan chill sauce;

Add the boiled crab roe.

Serve with bok choy.

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